As the Silver Sponsor of the HKICS 22nd Annual Corporate Regulatory Update (ACRU) 2021

AVISTA was pleased to be invited by The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) to be the Silver Sponsor of Annual Corporate Regulatory Update (ACRU) 2021.


The ACRU is an annual signature governance conference, which gathers governance professionals, directors and senior management to learn of the latest regulatory landscape and market developments in Hong Kong.


The online conference invited the regulators from HKEX, SFC and FSTB covered the key topics, such as regulatory update and guidance on post-listing compliance matters, sharing of findings from the review of issuers’ annual report disclosure, ESG with a focus on climate change, and corporate conduct.


AVISTA believes always keeping pace with important emerging regulatory developments, concerns, and enforcement trends is essential to provide our clients with professional and timely advisory services on corporate governance.



Date: 25 Jun 2021 | Tags: Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance


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