As the Juror of IESGB ESG Achievement Awards 2020 and Guests of the Awards Presentation Ceremony

Our Managing Director, Mr. Vincent Pang was pleased to be the Head Juror of the Institute of ESG & Benchmark (IESGB)’s ESG Achievement Awards 2020.


The Awards aims to serve as a significant benchmark of the current sustainable development standards and best practices in Hong Kong by emphasizing the value of outstanding sustainability performance of companies, as well as NGOs. With Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited (HISL) being the Honorary Supporting Organization and Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) as the ESG Data Provider cum Supporting Organization, the jury panel was able to evaluate all applications comprehensively and fairly.


This year’s Awards was open for both listed and privately-owned companies under 4 categories, namely ESG Benchmark Awards, Special ESG Awards, Special Award and Honorary Awards.


Vincent and Ms. Sabrina Lam, Principal of Risk Management Advisory Services, were also invited to be the guests of the Awards Presentation Ceremony on 29 Jun 2021. Vincent gave a speech to conclude his duties and express his appreciation towards the board and the fellow jury panel; and presented the Gold and Platinum Winner of “The ESG Leader” Award.


The Awards recognizes ESG achievements in all industry sectors through 36 companies and 2 individuals. Among which, the developer and construction industry were found to be the most advanced in their sustainable development. Few Hong Kong’s most prominent developers received the Awards trophies, including Henderson Land Development Co., Limited, New World Development Ltd., Sino Group and Chinachem Group.


AVISTA was honored to help recognize local companies for their progress in ESG and share our best practices in ESG achievements with others and to the public at large.






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Date: 30 Jun 2021 | Tags: ESG Reporting, Corporate Governance


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