IVSC Exposure Draft on Improvements of Financial Instruments Valuation

The International Valuation Standards Council (“IVSC”) Financial Instruments Board (“FI Board”) has published the Exposure Draft (the “Draft”) with proposals to improve the valuations of financial instruments outlined in IVS 500 Financial Instruments (“IVS 500”). The IVSC FI Board has launched the consultation to invite comments on the proposals in the Draft, which covers (1) Standards objectives and agenda, (2) Guidance on governance around valuation process, and (3) Principles of data taxonomy and control. As a professional valuation advisory firm, AVISTA has outlined the key points in the Draft for the latest proposals of improvements of financial instruments valuation.


Standards Objectives and Agenda


In review of IVS 500, the FI Board aims to establish the principles that will enable entities to develop fit-for-purpose valuations of financial instruments adaptable to varying market conditions or circumstances and to different reporting purposes, including financial, tax, and regulatory reporting. The proposals made by the FI Board are principles-based guidance requiring valuation processes in line with the concepts outlined in IVS 500. Meanwhile, considering the potential conflicts with the requirements in other International Valuation Standards (“IVS”), the Standards Review Board is also proposing consequential amendments to IVS 101 Scope of Work to IVS 105 Valuation Approaches and Methods.


The improvements to IVS 500 will be considered in stages, where the Draft firstly focuses on the areas of Governance and Data. The two remaining areas of Methods and Models, and Controls and Reporting will be considered and published in subsequent documents that will also contain revised proposals on Governance and Data based on received comments for the Draft. This practice is to address the interdependencies among different areas and facilitate the comments from the stakeholders on the proposals.


Guidance on Governance around Valuation Process


The Draft proposes the guidance over the valuation processes that entities should follow to ensure adequate governance around financial instrument valuations. A valuation process should be (a) systemic, (b) consistently applied, (c) economically sound, and (d) controlled. To be specific, the governance around valuation process requires the valuation of financial instrument with similar portfolios, financial principles and market practice to be developed consistently, with end-to-end documentation and controls’ implementation.


The Draft, in the meantime, also highlights a series of principles covering the governance and controls over financial instruments valuation, including (a) ownership, (b) accountability, (c) transparency, (d) consistency, (e) review and challenge, (f) diversity, (g) documentation. In general, the principles emphasize clear responsibility for execution among different functions and individuals, transparent documentation for consistent valuation methods, as well as independent and diverse assessment for valuation processes.


Principles of Data Taxonomy and Control


The Draft highlights the importance of data as inputs to the valuation process to derive fit-for-purpose valuation. The quality of data adopted in the valuation process should ensure the objectivity and the effective communications of the valuation decisions.


The Draft proposes a data taxonomy differentiating static data and dynamic data to establish the standardized best practice for participants both within and across the entities involved in the valuation processes. It is not mandatory to adopt the taxonomy outlined in the Draft, but any taxonomy developed and adopted by an entity should be consistent with the principles proposed in the Draft.


In addition, the Draft requires the policies and processes in place to control the identification, assessment, aggregation and management of outsourced and internally generated data. In particular, the policies and processes should ensure (a) accuracy and integrity, (b) completeness, (c) adaptability, (d) timeliness, (e) transparency and (f) proportionality.



To read the full Exposure Draft released by IVSC, please click here.


AVISTA’s Professional Services for Financial Instruments Valuation


As a corporate member of IVSC, AVISTA provides professional valuation and financial advisory services on financial instruments. The knowledge and experience of AVISTA can facilitate the most appropriate valuation service ensuring IVS-compliant valuation processes and reporting.


We are closely monitoring the latest development of IVSC consultation for valuations of financial instruments. For further information or enquiry regarding the Exposure Draft, please feel free to contact us.


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Date: 02 Feb 2021 | Tags: Business Valuation, Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance


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