Business Valuation

Business Valuation

Business Valuation: Hong Kong and China

Our well-developed Business Valuation services include carefully documented valuation methodologies and procedures with clear business value conclusion helping your mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) or investment decision making.


What is the Next Step for Your Growing Business and How Can We Help on Your Business Valuation Assignment?

Considering a deal? 

Ready for going public?

Planning for expansion?

Making investment decisions?

Fulfilling the financial reporting requirements ?

Other Business Valuation services:


What Type of Assets Can We Value?


Equity Investment

  • Equity and Debt Interests

Financial Instruments

  • E.g. Convertible Bonds and Notes, Preference Shares, Warrants, Forwards, Call and Put Options and Embedded Derivatives, etc.

Intangible Assets

  • E.g. Trademark and Brand Name, Customer Relationship, Technology, In-progress R&D, Patent, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Franchise Agreement, Favorable Lease and Non-compete Agreement, etc.

Tangible Assets


Explore our full suite of Business Valuation Services.

Our Core Expertise in Business Valuation

  1. Business valuation experts with global qualifications such as CFA, CPA, CPV, FRM, MRICS 
  2. Our strong track record of more than 800 clients on our Business Valuation service
  3. Over 10 years in the market on Business Valuation: Hong Kong, China and APAC region


AVISTA Business Valuation Advisory

AVISTA provides a full range of Business Valuation Advisory services for various purposes, including M&A transactions, financial reporting, stock exchange listing rules compliance, tax planning and internal reference. Our Business Valuation Advisory services cover areas including but not limited to business valuation, real estate, plant and equipment, financial instruments, biological assets, mining assets and intellectual properties.


Contact us for your next Business Valuation project.


Our Experience

Through years of experience, we understand the difficulties and the problems faced by corporate, enabling us to provide industry-specific solutions.

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